Kennedy Law

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El Paso, TX Product Liability Attorney

Lawyer for Injuries Caused By Defective Products in El Paso, Texas and New Mexico

The products that are sold to consumers in the United States should be safe to use. This may seem like an obvious requirement, but all too often, people suffer injuries when using products that are defective or dangerous. The news is regularly filled with stories of people who are harmed by products that should never have been made available to the public, and negligent product manufacturers should be held responsible for the injuries they have caused. If you have been injured by a defective product, you should be sure to understand your options for pursuing compensation that you deserve.

James Kennedy believes in seeking justice for those who have been harmed by others' negligence. Being the lawyer of a tough, family-oriented law firm, Mr. Kennedy is prepared to pursue compensation from the makers of products that have caused injuries. Attorney James Kennedy is Board Certified in personal injury trial law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, and he represents clients throughout Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. Over his more than 25 years of experience, he has litigated cases in court every year, and he is ready to take your case to trial to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.

Types of Product Liability

When someone is injured by a defective product, they may be able to pursue compensation by showing that the injury occurred for one of the following reasons:

  • Manufacturing defects - If errors occur during a product's manufacturing process, such as the wrong materials being used, the product may not function correctly or may become unsafe to use.
  • Design defects - If mistakes were made when a product was designed, or if the inherent design of the product is flawed, it may be dangerous, even if it was manufactured correctly.
  • Failure to warn - A product's manufacturer, distributor, or retailer should provide instructions about the safe use of the product and the risks a consumer may face if these instructions are not followed. Injuries can occur if consumers are not provided with proper instructions or informed about the potential dangers of using the product.

Injuries From Dangerous and Defective Products

When dangerous products are made available to consumers, they can cause serious injuries. Defective products may include:

  • Auto parts - Cars and trucks contain a multitude of systems, and defects in any of these parts, such as brakes, tires, or engines, can lead to dangerous car wrecks
  • Machinery and tools - Equipment ranging from small, handheld tools to large pieces of machinery can cause injuries if they break or do not function correctly. These types of defective products are often the cause of injuries at construction sites or oil wells and refineries.
  • Homes and buildings - If the incorrect materials are used in a building, or if a house is not properly constructed, people may be injured by collapsing walls, ceilings, or roofs.
  • Children's products - Items such as toys, cribs, beds, changing tables, bottles, or car seats can harm children in a variety of ways if they are not designed properly. For example, products with small parts can create a choking hazard, or defective safety harnesses can cause injuries in a car crash.
  • Household products - Items such as furniture, appliances, fire alarms, cleaning supplies, or clothing can injure family members if they contain toxic substances or if they are defective.

Contact an El Paso, Texas and New Mexico Defective Products Attorney

If a member of your family has been injured by a defective or dangerous product, James Kennedy, P.L.L.C. can help you recover financial compensation you deserve. Mr. Kennedy will work to show that your injuries were caused by the negligence of a product manufacturer, distributor, or retailer, and he will fight to make sure you are fully compensated for what you deserve. To arrange a free consultation, contact Mr. Kennedy's office at 915-544-5200. Attorney Kennedy represents people who have been injured by defective products in western Texas and southern New Mexico, including El Paso, Midland, Odessa, Las Cruces, Carlsbad, and the Permian Basin. Se Habla Español.

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