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915-544-5200Are Head-On Collisions Worse at High Speeds?
On February 6th, a head-on collision involving four cars on Houston’s I-45 claimed a life. A speeding, impaired driver had been traveling on the wrong side of the freeway for 10 to 15 minutes before her pickup truck collided with a Jeep, killing the Jeep’s driver.
When head-on collisions happen at higher speeds, they can cause severe injuries. If you are injured in a head-on accident, a knowledgeable El Paso County, TX personal injury lawyer can help you secure as much compensation as you deserve.
Are Head-On Collisions Common?
Head-on collisions are among the rarest types of traffic accidents. However, they are extremely harmful, accounting for around 14 percent of traffic deaths in the U.S. annually. In 2022, 636 people were killed in Texas in head-on collisions. Overall, there were 4,481 traffic deaths in Texas that year. The 2023 figures indicate that there were 4,283 traffic deaths, with 635 of them resulting from head-on crashes.
Why Are Head-On Collisions So Deadly?
Without getting too deep into physics, the weight and speed of a vehicle create an impact force. In a head-on collision, the impact force for each vehicle combines. For example, if each vehicle is traveling at 50 mph, the resulting impact force in a head-on crash is like hitting a stationary object at 100 mph. The higher the speed and impact force, the more serious any resulting injuries and property damage are likely to be. Common injuries include:
Organ damage
Spinal cord compression or other injuries, including paralysis
Traumatic brain injuries
Broken bones
Facial and head injuries, including dental damage and disfigurement
If wounds are not fatal, victims are likely to need extensive medical care. New disabilities can be life-altering. If someone else caused your head-on crash, you are likely eligible to pursue a personal injury claim. Survival and wrongful death actions could give families of fatal victims avenues for compensation.
Why Do I Need a Lawyer for a Head-On Crash Claim?
Whether you file a personal injury or wrongful death claim, your eligible damages for a head-on crash are likely to be extremely high. The higher your damages, the harder the liable insurance company will probably fight your claim. In addition, many people do not know how to calculate their damages, leading them to accept a lower amount than they are entitled to.
When you work with a skilled attorney, we will meticulously evaluate your damages. We know how insurers operate and how to navigate and overcome their strategies. Our goal is to help you obtain the highest available amount while holding the at-fault party accountable for the harm you suffered.
Contact Our Trusted El Paso, TX Head-On Collision Attorneys
If you want optimal case results, you need to choose the right Van Horn, TX car accident lawyer. Contact James Kennedy, P.L.L.C. online or by calling 915-544-5200 to schedule your free case evaluation today. Se Habla Español.